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by Emmey哈里斯
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在另一个国家宝博体育会是什么样的? 爱尔兰的工作文化与美国有很大不同吗? 作为宝博体育生,我将做哪些工作? As I sat in Chicago O'Hare International Airport for the twelfth consecutive hour, 准备去都柏林过暑假, 这些问题在我的脑海里闪过. I had done plenty of preparation for my internship at Marsh's Library through the application process and my own research, but I knew that there would still be many new and surprising things that differed greatly from my previous experience at my home university (the University of Minnesota). My connecting flight from Chicago to 都柏林 being delayed by about 14 hours gave me plenty of time to consider these questions. 看似不顾一切, with two separate mechanical issues preventing the plane from departing on time, 那天午夜左右,我终于到达了都柏林. 我筋疲力尽, 可以肯定的是, 但经过一天的适应和适应我的新环境, 我迫不及待地想开始宝博体育!


描述:美丽的马什图书馆的入口, 就在都柏林圣帕特里克大教堂的隔壁.

既然我已经开始宝博体育了, 我已经可以告诉你,这将是一次非常有价值和有益的经历. 我亲身体验了历史遗迹和博物馆的日常运作, and I've gotten the unique chance to participate in work culture in a different country. I also really appreciate my placement at Marsh's Library; it's the perfect fit for me! If, 像我这样的, you are also wondering what applying for and completing an internship abroad through 东航卡帕 is like, 我是来帮忙的! 在这篇文章中, 我将详细说明宝博体育安置过程对我来说是什么样的, 以及我在图书馆的日常活动和职责.


描述:马什图书馆的第一个画廊. 仅这个房间就有大约一万本书.

当我申请东航卡帕项目的宝博体育部分时, 我知道我想在与我的历史专业相关的领域宝博体育. 因此, 我一定要强调我对历史的兴趣, 特别是爱尔兰历史, 在博物馆里, 历史遗迹, 和库. 我解释了我希望如何将宝博体育与毕业后的计划联系起来, 因为我现在计划将来在博物馆或档案馆工作. I also described my past experience working in customer service and as a student employee at the archives in my home university's library system.

The final part of the internship application I submitted was my resume and a cover letter. 如果你的大学有就业服务办公室, I would highly recommend consulting them for advice on how to write and format your cover letter and resume. Since you are not writing the cover letter with a specific company or organization in mind, 我建议把求职信写得相当笼统. 重点介绍你自己和你的学术背景, explaining why you are interested in completing an internship abroad and particularly in the city you chose, 描述你以前的经验和相关技能. 在我的求职信, I explained I was excited for the opportunity to complete an internship in 都柏林 because I would be able to develop my communication skills and cross-cultural understanding, 这两点对我未来的职业生涯都至关重要, 在一个历史悠久,同时又充满现代气息的城市. I also provided examples of the skills I have obtained through my coursework and previous work experience. CAPA的工作人员随时可以提供帮助, 所以,如果有任何问题,请毫不犹豫地与您的项目经理联系!

大约在我递交申请一个月后, I was notified by 东航卡帕 that Marsh's Library was interested in conducting an interview with me. 我的面试在接下来的一周内进行了, 几天后,我被安排到马什医院工作. 然而, 这个时间表在其他学生中确实有所不同, so do not be concerned if your interview or placement takes a bit longer to be confirmed.


描述:马什图书馆的一个“笼子”. Readers used to actually be locked into these cages to prevent them from stealing the books; they would have to ring a bell to be let out once they were done!

我一听说我被安排到马什家去了, 我迫不及待地想去都柏林开始我的宝博体育. 成立于1707年, Marsh's Library was 爱尔兰's first public library and houses thousands of books from the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries. Visitors come from all over the world to view the architecture and unique contents of the historic library, which is one of the only eighteenth-century buildings in 都柏林 still being used for its original purpose. 在我作为宝博体育生的时候, I introduce the visitors to the library and give them the information they need to make the most of their visit. 另外, 我随时准备回答他们可能提出的任何问题, 我要确保这些历史材料不会被不当处理. It's been really interesting to talk with people from all parts of the world who have a shared interest in books and knowledge of the past. 每一天都是完全不同的, since I'm able to learn and share more about what each individual visitor is interested in. I've been able to gain unique insight into what the day-to-day operations of a working library and museum are like, especially one that is situated in a city like 都柏林 that is so immersed in history.

我已经从宝博体育中学到了很多, 它挑战我走出自己的舒适区. It took me some time to absorb all the information I need to know and to get comfortable with sharing this new information with visitors. 我当然还在学习, and there's plenty of instances where I'm asked a question I don't know how to answer. But these questions have sparked my curiosity and given me opportunities to learn things I would have never thought to ask before. 例如, James Joyce and Bram Stoker really would have sat at the chairs in the old reading room of the library! I've found that people in 爱尔兰 are generally very friendly and willing to help, 马什图书馆的工作人员也不例外. Whenever I encounter a problem or just need someone to help answer a visitor's question, 他们总是非常理解和鼓励.


描述:由于马什图书馆就在圣. 在圣帕特里克大教堂,我经常可以在可爱的圣帕特里克大教堂享用午餐. 帕特里克的公园.

我在马什图书馆的宝博体育已经是一段美妙的经历, 我很想知道我在这里剩下的时间会是什么样子. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to complete an internship here in 都柏林, and I would strongly encourage you to consider adding an internship experience to your time abroad!


描述:这是在马什图书馆能找到的几本书. The books at the library cover all subjects from astronomy to zoology and everything in between.

Emmey哈里斯 内容创造者-博主.
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