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CEA CAPA Academic Affairs Directory


Academic Affairs Leadership

Martha Johnson, PhD
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Martha Johnson, PhD, has worked in education abroad since 1991, including onsite at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and as the Study Abroad Coordinator at Leeds Metropolitan University in Leeds, England. She managed institutional relations for several U.S.-based educational organizations and consortia including Regent’s College in London and AustraLearn previous to going to the University of Minnesota in 2001.

From 2009-2022, Martha served the Assistant Dean for Learning Abroad at the University of Minnesota and oversaw one of the largest education abroad offices in the U.S., sending over 4000 students abroad annually. She played a key leadership role in the highly successful and internationally recognized Curriculum Integration initiative, as well as developing the Career Integration project and subsequent conferences.

Martha holds a PhD in American Studies with an emphasis in drama and the performance of gender, race, and cultural identity from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. Martha has presented and chaired numerous sessions and workshops at national and international conferences, served on a variety of education abroad program boards, and authored articles and chapters for publications including Frontiers and NAFSA guides and resources. She previously served in leadership roles and chaired multiple committees in NAFSA, the Forum on Education Abroad, Diversity Abroad, the Global Leadership League, and the Fund for Education Abroad. She is currently serving a term as Secretary on the Board of Directors for the Forum.

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Louis Berends, PhD
Dean & Vice President of Academic Partnerships

Dr. Louis “Lou” Berends comes to CEA from Syracuse University where he most recently held positions as Director of Strategic and International Partnerships, and Director of Academic Programs under the Provost’s Office. Under Lou's leadership, Syracuse Abroad increased study abroad participation and is ranked highly as a national leader in study abroad. Lou has worked extensively in international education at U.S. universities and providers of global education since 2000. He holds a Ph.D. from Loyola University Chicago in cultural and educational policy studies with a concentration in comparative and international education.

Additionally, Lou studied at Brunel University (Uxbridge, UK), the University of Oxford (St. Catherine's College), as well as in Rome, Italy, and has visited and conducted research in numerous countries. Lou is a first-generation college student and also comes from a low-income background and as a result is a strong advocate for increasing access to global learning for all under-represented students. Furthermore, Lou has presented many papers in various settings including Harvard's Graduate School of Education, the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), the Forum on Education Abroad, and NAFSA (among others). Lou’s most recent publication, co-edited with Dr. Kate Patch, SIO at Grinnell College, is a book on high-impact educational practices entitled, Undergraduate Research Abroad: Approaches, Models and Challenges (2020). Lou currently serves a Chair of the Forum on Education Abroad’s Research Advisory Group.

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Andrea Custodi, PhD
Dean & Vice President of Academic and Strategic Initiatives

As Dean & Vice President of Academic and Strategic Initiatives, Andrea Custodi, PhD, oversees evaluation and assessment, teaching and learning, and faculty engagement and development at CEA CAPA. She also serves as academic point on program development and direct enroll relationships with overseas institutional partners, and supports CEA CAPA's thought leadership in the field through publications, presentations, and work with our Advisory Board. Andrea comes to CEA CAPA with over 20 years of experience in senior leadership at education abroad organizations: from a small liberal arts consortium operating in South India, to Arcadia and IFSA's Alliance for Global Education, and most recently as Senior Director of Academic Affairs and Strategic Initiatives at CET Academic Programs. She also brings an extensive record of service to the field. Andrea most recently served on AIEA's Publications & Resources and Conference Committees; she has chaired The Forum on Education Abroad’s Curriculum Committee, Standards Committee, and Outcomes Assessment Committee, and served as a member of the Forum Council, the Ethics Committee, and the Trained Facilitator Corps. Andrea holds an interdisciplinary Ph.D. from The George Washington University, with an academic background spanning South Asian religious studies, feminist, psychoanalytic, and critical theory, and international politics. She is fluent in French and Italian, and has lived, worked, or studied abroad in Italy, France, Switzerland, and Nepal.

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Stina Dufour, Ed.D.
Dean of Global Programs and Academic Administration
Stina Dufour, Ed.D, is the Dean of Global Programs & Academic Administration for CEA CAPA Education Abroad. Dr. Dufour oversees CEA CAPA's study center-delivered academics to ensure alignment with U.S. higher education academic policies and procedures. She also manages the School of Record relationship, including quality assurance protocols, curricular approvals, and academic records fulfillment. Before joining CEA CAPA in April 2021, Stina served in increasingly responsible roles at the Office of Global Affairs at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. For more than ten years, she was the Office's lead contact with the University Registrar and worked closely with faculty from every Steinhardt department to co-create curricula at NYU's study centers and with other international partners. Stina holds an EdD in Higher Education Administration and an MA in International Education from NYU and a BA (magna cum laude) in Sociology and Scandinavian Studies from North Park University, Chicago. Stina entered the field of education abroad in 2009 and after living for several formative years in Scandinavia, and studying abroad in Jönköping, Sweden. She regularly volunteers her time with the Forum as a peer reviewer for Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad and authored a chapter in NAFSA’s Guide to Education Abroad for Advisors and Administrators, 5th Edition (2022).
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Academic Affairs Team

Josh Coldagelli
Senior Academic Coordinator

Josh joined CEA CAPA in the summer of 2022. Coming from a background in college admissions and athletics, he was looking to expand his passion for learning. Josh's key duties are academic records management, syllabi development, and managing academic accommodation requests. Josh has a passion for seeing student growth and developing opportunities for students' academic passions to grow while they are abroad. Josh holds an M.A. in Sport Administration and Leadership from Central Michigan University and a B.A. in Communication Arts from Trinity Christian College in suburban Chicago. Although he was never able to study abroad, a formative experience that impassions Josh to the mission of CEA CAPA is a shared family meal with extended family in the village of Coldagello, Italy, where his great grandpa emigrated from. He hopes all students can "find their table" while abroad with CEA CAPA.

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Arlene Hairston

Arlene is responsible for maintaining the accuracy, integrity, privacy, and security of academic records, as well as for applying academic polices and following necessary procedures related to compliance. She manages all aspects relating to grades and transcripts and provides transcript support to CEA CAPA students and partnering study abroad administrators who send groups of students on CEA CAPA programs. Arlene works closely with CEA CAPA school of record institutions as well as program managers and academic directors who provide direct advising support to CEA CAPA students. Arlene has worked in higher education for 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Management degree, and she is a member of AACRAO, American Associate of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

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Christian Merino Rubio
Academic Coordinator

Born in El Salvador but raised in Maryland, identity and intercultural education have played an important role in Christian's academic and professional interests. Christian earned a B.A. in Political Science from Dickinson College in 2020, where they also studied abroad in Bologna, Italy through the European Studies program. This experience led them to seek out a career in International Education so they can support the same types of experiences for other students.  

Christian previously assisted the coffee program at a local Maryland specialty coffee chain, where they were head roaster and managed day-to-day operations of the roastery. They also have an extensive background supporting students in early-childhood Montessori settings. They are excited to begin their work as Academic Coordinator to support student success and satisfaction at CEA CAPA programs.  

In their spare time, Christian enjoys cooking, fostering a mindfulness practice and spending time with their nephew. They continue to learn about coffee trends and strives for the elusive “perfect shot” of espresso.

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Marilena De Chiara, PhD
Academic Director, Barcelona

Dr. Marilena De Chiara is the Director of Academic Affairs at CEA CAPA Barcelona. Born in Naples, Italy, she completed her BA in Communication and Performance Studies in Rome and Edinburgh, then moved to Barcelona, where she earned her Master of Research in Humanities, an MA in Comparative Literature, and her Ph.D. in Humanities, with a concentration in Literary Theatre and Practice, from Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF). Dr. De Chiara has been Visiting Scholar at Yale University, where she researched and taught for two years, and she currently lectures at the MA in Literary Creation at UPF and at the Barcelona Creative Writing School. With a strong background in Intercultural Learning and Development processes, she has been working in the field of International Education, mentoring undergraduate students, designing, and delivering Storytelling and Intercultural Communication courses, and training faculty on Teaching and Learning innovation, for the past 15 years. Dr. De Chiara is also a literary translator, her translations include the complete short stories by Nobel Prize awarded author Luigi Pirandello and works by Pulitzer Prize winner Jhumpa Lahiri. Dr. De Chiara firmly believes in the transformative power of experiential learning to bridging languages and cultures, through the city of Barcelona as classroom.

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Ana Martínez, PhD
Academic Director, Barcelona

Ana's role is to ensure the academic quality of all CEA CAPA Barcelona programs. She reviews the curriculum and coordinates the development of new courses, reviews and maintains consistency of academic policies and practices, oversees the resolution of all important student academic issues, and provides support to faculty to guarantee academic excellence.

Prior to joining CEA CAPA, Ana worked with another study abroad organization as a resident coordinator and faculty member. She's also held several university positions: Assistant Director of the Advanced Spanish Language Program at Georgetown University (Washington D.C.), Teaching Associate at Georgetown University and Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (Spain), and Teaching Assistant and Director of the Spanish House at Middlebury College (Vt.). Ana earned her Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics at Georgetown University, which also conferred to her a Master of Science in Linguistics. She also holds a Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).

Ana first travelled to Dublin, Ireland in high school and subsequently studied in London for four months. She also spent her senior year of college studying in Pisa, Italy and completed her graduate studies in Washington, D.C. She loves traveling and believes that understanding the world from different perspectives is the one of the most enriching lessons that students can learn while living abroad.

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Darren Kelly, PhD
Academic Director, Career & Internship Programs

A Dublin native, Dr. Darren Kelly holds a BA in English and Geography and a PhD in Cultural Geography from St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University. He developed and currently lectures on the Postgraduate Diploma in Further Education at Marino Institute of Education, Trinity College, Dublin. Prior to lecturing, Darren worked in a range of community development and educational organizations in Dublin and travelled extensively. His interest in study abroad began at age 17 when he spent a high school year abroad in Oxford, Ohio. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Residence in 2007-2008 at Beloit College, Wisconsin. Over the past 10 years, Darren has increasingly focused his work (teaching, consulting, and publishing) in the area of linking academic theory and field studies in international education and study abroad. During his time with CEA CAPA, he has developed a research interest in the area of intercultural intelligence and self-reflection as related to students’ personal and professional development.

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Monica Francioso, PhD
Academic Director, Florence

Academic Director Monica Francioso joined the CEA CAPA Florence team in 2015, and is responsible for the oversight of all aspects of Florence academics including academic integrity, curriculum development, and faculty training and assessment. She serves as a leader for students and faculty, and her work ensures compliance with the standards established by our School of Record agreement with the University of New Haven. Monica holds regular on-campus office hours and is always happy to talk to students and faculty on academic matters, and to respond to all substantive inquiries and concerns. Monica obtained a BA in English and Russian from the Università degli Studi di Padova, an MA in English Studies, and a Ph.D. in Italian Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London. Her thesis focuses on narrative theory in post-war Italy. She has published articles and books, both in Italian and English, on Celati, Calvino, Palandri, and migrant writers. Monica lived abroad in the United Kingdom and Ireland for 13 years. Prior to joining the CEA CAPA Florence team, Monica held several teaching positions in Italian language, literature and culture at various higher-ed institutions, including Royal Holloway University of London, University of Durham, University of Bath, and University College Dublin. She earned a CELTA certificate to teach English as a foreign and second language. She also taught English to students of all levels, preparing them for the Cambridge English exams. Monica also holds a DITALS II certificate to teach Italian as a foreign and second language, and she worked as a teacher trainer for the same program. Monica firmly believes in the importance of studying abroad as a means to broaden horizons and better oneself. Her experiences have shown her how enriching speaking/learning other languages and knowing other cultures can be. She believes she would be a different person today had she not experienced life abroad.

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Guido Reverdito, PhD
Academic Director, Florence
After a BA in Classics and a Master’s in Teaching Italian as a Second Language, Guido received his PhD in Italian Studies from the University of Padua. He worked as a visiting professor in Classics at the University of Kansas in 1989 and for 16 years, he was a Lecturer in Italian Language and Literature on behalf of the Italian Government in Istanbul, Madrid, Budapest, and Canterbury. From 2009 to present, he has been the Director of Academics at CAPA, where he teaches courses in social history of Italy and contemporary Italian cinema. He edited and translated several classic Latin authors, and wrote a History of Latin Literature in four volumes. Since 1989, he has been a film critic. His latest work is research on early years and production of celebrated Italian crime novelist Giorgio Scerbanenco (Giorgio Scerbanenco and the heart of darkness of Italian crime novel, Aracne, 2014).
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Michael Woolf, PhD
Deputy President for Strategic Development

Michael has spent much of his career in an international context. Prior to working in mainstream international education, he taught American Literature at the universities of Hull, Middlesex, Padova, and Venice, and worked as a researcher-writer for BBC radio. Michael has held leadership roles with FIE, CIEE, and Syracuse University. He has also consulted for New York University, Brethren Colleges Abroad, Warwick University, and is an adviser to the President of Tamagawa University in Tokyo.

He serves on a number of boards and committees including the Curriculum Committee of the Forum on Education Abroad, the Editorial Boards of Frontiers and the Journal of Studies in International Education, EAIE’s Knowledge Development Task Force, and Braun Stiftung für Internationalen Austausch. Michael was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Forum on Education Abroad from 2006 to 2012.

Michael holds a PhD in American Studies, an MA in Literature, and a BA in History and Politics. He has written widely and has published extensively on international education and cultural studies. Most recently, he published work aimed at critically reviewing the core assumptions of study abroad.

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Talal Nizameddin, PhD
Academic Director, London
Dr. Talal Nizameddin is the Director of Academic Affairs at the CAPA London Center. He has lived and worked in the US, Italy, and Lebanon where he served as Dean of Student Affairs for 12 years at the acclaimed American University of Beirut. Talal has taught history and international relations courses for much of his career, with dual emphasis on Russia and the Middle East. He has a background in history and Russian foreign policy. He holds a BA from Sussex University and a PhD from the University College of London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies. He has written and published two books that are considered fundamental works on the making and transition of Russian foreign policy and its linkage with internal political dynamics in the post-Soviet era as well as peer-reviewed articles. Talal hopes to be able to utilize his long academic and administrative experience to enhance the strategic direction of the academic programs to continuously challenge and enrich the CAPA student learning experience. As a global citizen, Talal’s travel interests have not waned, but he also enjoys simpler pastimes including playing tennis and good food.

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Mike Punter, PhD
Global Director of Theater Education
Mike Punter is the Director of Theater Education for CAPA, based in London. He teaches a number of courses in London including Theatre in the City, Witchcraft and Magical Performance, Writing a Play, and Theatricality for BFA Actors. He has also written the courses Utopia: Extraordinary Places and Where to Find Them and Communicate. Mike is a produced and published dramatist whose work has been staged and toured by a range of theatres, including Hampstead Theatre in London, the UK's National Theatre, Paines Plough theatre company and the BBC. He’s presently developing a new project for British television. Mike has a First-Class BA (Hons) degree in English and Theatre Studies, an MA in Renaissance Literature and Drama and a PhD with a focus on magic on the stage.

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Anthony Gristwood, PhD
Faculty Chair, London & Global Faculty Advisory Council Chair
Anthony Gristwood is the London Faculty Chair and Chair of the Global Faculty Advisory Council. He has been teaching in higher education since 1994 and has specialized in the field of education abroad for the last 20 years at CAPA, the Bader International Study Centre of Queen’s University (Canada), and the University of Connecticut in London. He holds an MA, PGCE, and PhD in Geography from the University of Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. His current research and teaching interests include globalization, global cities, and modern London; politics, identity, and culture in modern Europe, particularly Spain; and the use of digital mapping in globally-networked teaching and learning. Publications include “Engaging with Self, Others, Space, and Place: Leveraging the Geographic Imagination in Education Abroad” (with Darren Kelly), in Brewer & Ogden, eds., Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development (Stylus, May 2019). Anthony is also a regular contributor to, and editor of the CEA CAPA Ocassional Publications series.

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Christopher Edwards, M.A.
Academic Director - Paris

Christopher oversees academic programs offered through CEA Paris. His responsibilities range from curriculum development to faculty training, as well as student advising and partner program oversight. He has developed an extensive working knowledge of academic approaches to topics ranging from world health care systems to global management information systems.

Christopher holds a Masters of Arts in French from New York University (N.Y.) and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and French from Auburn University (Ala.). Prior to joining CEA, Christopher was an Instructor of French at Clemson University (S.C.). In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he facilitated study abroad programs for Clemson's College of Art, Architecture and Humanities, and directed a summer language program in Paris.

As a long-time U.S. citizen living overseas, Christopher thinks that "students should be increasingly aware of the monumental competition they will face in an increasingly globalized job market. Learning languages and developing an ethical and responsible contact with non-U.S. cultures through structured study abroad programming is one way in which to do so."


* Phi Beta Kappa

* APUAF : Association des Programmes Universitaires Américains en France


* Facebook training for study abroad professionals, APUAF Annual Meeting of U.S. Program Directors in France, March 2010

* Student travel abroad: ensuring your student's safety, APUAF Annual Meeting of U.S. Program Directors in France, March 2013

* Digital Video Conference (DVC) Presentation, U.S. Department of State, Africa Regional Services, Paris, France (with US Embassy in Cotonou, Benin). Activism and the LGBT Community. June 2013.

Digital Video Conference (DVC) presentation, U.S. Department of State, Africa Regional Services, Paris, France (with US Embassy in Brazzaville, Congo). Study in the US. November 2013.

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Lenka Vystrčilová, Ph.D
Academic Director - Prague

As CEA Prague Academic Director, Lenka provides leadership, oversight, and quality control for all academic matters and serves as the primary contact for students and staff regarding academics. At the CEA Prague Study Center, Lenka is responsible for faculty management, curriculum development, student academic advising, and for safeguarding the high academic quality of the program and adherence to academic policies. She is also responsible for maintaining strong ties with our partner institution, Anglo-American University, to ensure that program content and delivery meet the needs of U.S. universities and students.

Lenka spent a significant portion of her life studying in the U.S. and has worked in study abroad for over fifteen years. She holds a doctorate in Political Science from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich, a master’s degree in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies from Stanford University, and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and German Studies from Lewis & Clark College. Her academic interests include democratization, Central European politics, and EU studies.

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Mary Alice Soriero, M.S.Ed.
Academic Director, Seville

As Academic Director of CEA CAPA Seville, Mary Alice’s role is to oversee the many facets to the smooth running of academics at the CEA CAPA in Seville – including program elaboration, syllabi development, and coordination of CEA CAPA faculty. Prior to administering CEA CAPA academics in Seville, she held a number of international work experiences. She was a USIA Fellow in Peru, a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, and has taught English to speakers of other languages in Japan, Taiwan, and the US. Currently she is also an adjunct professor at Loyola University – Andalucia.

Mary Alice holds a MS. Ed in Education, Culture & Society from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA from Pennsylvania State University in East Asian Studies. She studied abroad in Japan and participated in short-term educational projects in Ecuador & Morocco. Through these global experiences she discovered the importance of engaging across cultures to meaningfully connect with the human experience in a global context. These gave her insights to revel in the the unknown and uncomfortable to not only build resilience, but also advocate for justice to promote equity amongst a wide span of global neighbors.

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Julia Miller, PhD
Academic Director, Sydney

Dr. Julia Miller is the Director of Academic Affairs in the CEA CAPA Sydney Center. Dr. Miller leads the academic delivery of our programming and ensures the classroom experience is designed to support the health and safety of the students through the hiring of trusted faculty and supporting CAPA’s strong, inclusive, academic policies.

Julia has been teaching in the Australian tertiary education sector for more than a decade. She gained her doctorate in Modern History from Macquarie University for her research in climate history. For CEA CAPA, Julia teaches Analyzing and Exploring the Global City, Australian History, and People, Place, and Culture: Environmental Debates in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. The latter course reflects Julia’s deep concern about our environmental future. At CEA CAPA, Julia has put in place the Sustainable Sydney initiative to build environmental awareness and encourage behavioral change. Julia lives in Pittwater on Sydney’s Northern Beaches—an area known for its coastline, waterways, and healthy lifestyle.

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Andréa Cabral Leal Ferreira, PhD
Academic Coordinator
Andréa is an Academic Coordinator for CEA CAPA.
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Karolína Havlíková
Academic Coordinator
Karolína is an Academic Coordinator at the CEA CAPA Prague Study Center, where she ensures students have the best possible academic experience. Her passion for language and culture led her to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Korean Studies at Charles University, where she is currently completing her Master's degree. During her studies, Karolína had the opportunity to study in Seoul, South Korea, which ignited her desire to help foreign students study abroad in Prague. As an Academic Coordinator, Karolína works closely with the Academic Director to provide faculty and students with the information they need to succeed in teaching and learning at the Prague Study Center. Her tasks include auditing and updating course information, maintaining the syllabus library, assisting with academic administrative tasks, monitoring course registrations and academic progress, and managing practical student services tasks connected to partner universities. Karolína's personal interests include exploring different cultures and languages, trying new foods, and reading.
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Alicia de la Peña Portero
Academic Director, Madrid

Dr. Alicia de la Peña is the Director of Academic Affairs in the CEA CAPA Madrid Center. She is responsible for the administration and supervision of all academic aspects of Madrid programs including curriculum development, academic policies compliance, faculty training and students’ guidance. Alicia has worked in higher education for over 25 years, both as a professor and in different managing positions such as Director of Professional and International Projection and Director of Modern Languages Institute for Nebrija Univerity (Madrid) or Resident Program Coordinator for CIEE Madrid. She gained her doctorate in Education from Autónoma de Madrid University for her research on academic literacy, collaborative writing, and formative evaluation. Alicia’s educational background also includes two M.A. from Nebrija University, one in the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language and another in Applied Linguistics, and a B.A. in English Philology from Autónoma de Madrid University. She was 10 years old when she had her first life-changing study abroad experience in Ireland; then Canada and US followed. Alicia strongly believes that experiencing different places and cultures is essential to gain global perspective, improve self-knowledge and foster personal and professional development.

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Benjamin Scribner, PhD
Academic Director, Rome
Ben received his doctoral degree in communications in 2013 at La Sapienza University of Rome. His thesis concerned the construction of national space in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He came to Rome with an MA in Sociology from the University of Oregon (1998) where his areas of focus were Political Economy, Social Inequality and the Sociology of Gender. He lectured at John Cabot University from 2014 to 2023, teaching courses in Intercultural Communication, Gender Studies and Sociology.  He previously taught at Southwestern College in Chula Vista and San Ysidro, CA, Emerson College in Boston, and worked as a teaching assistant in Psychology and Human Sexuality at Harvard University.  Ben enjoys cycling to work and photographing Rome with 35-millimeter film cameras. 
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